Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Types: Rape:
Types: Rape:
I. Author Index [Site] A f r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] Algerian History Types: Slave Rape [Site] Ghanaian History Types: Slave Rape | Representations: Literary Texts: Manu Herbstein [Site] South African History Types: Interacial Rape I. Author Index [Info] Graham, Jessica A. "Keep the Boys Happy": A Critical Investigation into Rape Trends at the Cape, 1795-1895. M.A. Thesis, Stellenbosch University, 2018. II. Speaker Index -[Site] A m e r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] Argentine History Types: Incestual Rape I. Author Index [Info] Moreyra, Cecilia. »Huellas de la población afromestiza en los archivos de Crimen Córdoba del Tucumá a finales del Siglo XVIII.« Poblaciones vulnerables a través del tiempo: Negros, mestizos y mendigos en Córdoba,siglos XVIII-XX. Edited by Dora Celton et al. Córdoba 2020: 15-46. II. Speaker Index -[Site] Brazlian History I. Author Index [Info] Cabral, Gustavo C.M. »Ius Commune in Portuguese America: Criminal Issues on Local Canon Law in the 'First Constitutions of the Diocese of Bahia' (1707).« Glossae 13 (2016): 308-327. [Info] Serra, Alexandra I.R. Conitualidade, violência e perdão no Alentejo de Antigo Regime (1700-1720). Dissertação, Universidade de É:vora, 2021. II. Speaker Index -[Site] Canadian History
[Info] Grazley, Robin C. Nothing "Improper" Happened: Sex, Marriage, and Colonial Identity in Upper Canada, 1783-1850. Ph.D. Thesis, Queen's University, 2010. [Site] Chilean History
[Info] Celis Valderrama, Nicolás. »Delitos, violencias y escándalos sexuales en Chile: Escalas de análisis metodológico (fines siglo XVIII - mediados siglo XIX).« Nuevo Mundo, Mundos Nuevos (2018). [Info] Plaza Salgado, Camila. »Las flores, la pureza y el recogimiento: Imágenes e imaginarios de la feminidad en Causas Criminales por Estupro y Rapto de la Capitanía General de Chile, 1638-1776.« Revista Dos Puntas 9 (2017): 21-39. [Info] Plaza Salgado, Camila. »Mujeres recogidas y mujeres libres del mundo: Estudio sobre 149 estupros y raptos en la Capitanía General de Chile, 1638-1766.« (Des) orden de género: políticas y mercados del cuerpo en Chile. Edited by Jorge Pavez Ojeda. Santiago de Chile 2017: 149-175. [Info] Plaza Salgado, Camila. Raptadas y estupradores de la Capitanía General de Chile: Estudio de relaciones de género y experiencia colonial, 1638-1776. Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2017. [Site] Colombian History [Info] Mendieta Afanador, Santiago. Delitos sexuales y contra la familia en Santander a finales del periodo colonial (1774-1810). Trabajo de Grado, Universidad Industrial de Santander, 2017. [Info] Plata, William E., et al. »Delitos sexuales y contra la familia en el Nororiente del Virreinato de la Nueva Granada, 1774-1810: De la norma a la aplicación.« Historia y Espacio No. 52 (2019): 109-136. [Site] Mexican History
[Info] Baltazar Mozqueda, Diana. Conflictos nupciales en los tribunales de justicia: estupro, adulterio y malos tratos. Estudios de caso en la ciudad de Santiago de Querétaro, 1770-1810. Tesis, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, 2018. [Info] López Martínez, Jesús. »Una introducción al estudio de los procesos criminales por violación y estupro en los años precursores a la independencia política de la Nueva España (mujer y violencia: 1749-1821).« Revista Fuentes Humanisticas 2 (1992): 22-27. [Site] Peruvian History
[Info] Proctor, Frank T. »"Alien to my sex": Enslaved Women and Their Gendered Notions of Abuse in Eighteenth-Century Lima, Peru.« Journal of Women's History 31 (2019): 57-79. [Site] U.S. History
[Info] Evers, Jan-Hendrik. Sitte, Sünde, Seligkeit: Zum Umgang hallischer Pastoren mit Ehe, Sexualität und Sittlichkeitsdelikten in Pennsylvania, 1742–1800. Wiesbaden 2020. [Info] Gonda, Susan. Strumpets and Angels: Rape, Seduction, and the Boundaries of Consensual Sex in the Northeast, 1789-1870. Ph.D. Thesis, University of California at Los Angeles, 1999. [Info] Hildebrand, Sarah, chair. »Reading and Theorizing Rape Culture (Part 2).« 51st Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston 2020. [Info] Koneval, Joni L. A "Peculiar Offence": Legal, Popular, and Gendered Perceptions of Rape in the Early American Republic, 1790 – 1850. M.A. Thesis, Youngstown State University, 2012. [Info] Manion, Jennifer. »Historic Heteroessentialism and Other Orderings in Early America.« Signs 34 (2009): 981-1003. [Info] Nix, Ashley. »Dramatized Rape in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century England and Modern America.« Aphra Behn Society Conference. Pittsburgh 2017. [Site] A s i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Arabic History
[Site] Chinese History
[Info] Ng, Vivien. »Sexual Abuse of Daughters-in-Law in Qing China: Cases from the Xing'an Huilan.« Feminist Studies 20 (1994): 373-391. [Info] Theiss, Janet M. Disgraceful Matters: The Politics of Chastity in Eighteenth-Century China. Berkeley 2004. [Site] Iranian History
[Site] Turkish History
[Site] E u r op e a n H i s t o r y [Site] General [Info] Katz, Jordan. »Illegitimate Births, Socioeconomic Status, and Questions of Agency among Early Modern Jewish Women.« 55th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. San Francisco 2023. [Info] Kümper, Hiram. »The injured body in context: Outlines for a legal history of rape in pre-modern Europe (c. 1250–1750) in cultural perspective.« New Perspectives on Gender and Legal History: European Traditions and the Challenge of Global History. Frankfurt/Main 2009. [Site] Austrian History
[Site] Croatian History
[Site] Dutch History [Info] van der Heijden, Manon. Misdadige vrouwen: Criminaliteit en rechtspraak in Holland 1600-1800. Amsterdam 2014. [Info] van der Heijden, Manon. Women and Crime in Early Modern Holland. Leiden 2016. [Site] English History
[Info] Dickie, Simon. »Rape Jokes and Local Justice.« Annual Congress of the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Hamilton 2011. [Info] Durston, Gregory. »Rape in the Eighteenth-Century Metropolis. Murdoch University. Perth 2004. [Info] Genovese, Michael. »Sexless Masculinity and the Specter of Rape.« 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. St. Louis 2020. [Info] Genovese, Michael. »Sexless Masculinity and the Specter of Rape.« 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Virtual 2021. [Info] Haisell, Camille. »‘Imprudent Sluts’ & ‘Sober Gentlemen’: Testimonial Injustice in Rape Trials at the Old Bailey, 1720-1742.« The Corvette 6 (2019): 76-89. [Info] Nawrot, Dawn A. »'Nothing but Violent Methods will do': The Female Rape Accomplice in the Eighteenth-Century English Novel.« 47th Annual Meeting of the East-Central American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Fredericksburg 2016. [Info] Nix, Ashley. »Dramatized Rape in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century England and Modern America.« Aphra Behn Society Conference. Pittsburgh 2017. [Info] Olsson, Lena. »‘Violence that’s Wicked for a Man to Use’: Sex, Gender and Violence in the Eighteenth Century.« Interpreting Sexual Violence, 1660-1800. Edited by Anne Greenfield. London 2013: 141-148. [Info] Solomon, Diana. »Force within Farce? Rape Culture in Restoration Comedies.« Joint Annual Conference of the Canadan Society and the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Toronto 2017. [Info] Spampinato, Erin A. Awful Nearness: Rape and the English Novel, 1740–1900. Ph.D. Thesis, City University of New York, 2020. [Info] Walker, Garthine. »Rape, Acquittal and Culpability in Popular Crime Reports in England, c.1670-c.1750.« Past & Present 220 (2013): 115-142. [Site] French History
[Info] Delage, Gabriel. Enlévements, Rapts et Séductions en Angoumois: 17e et 18e siècles. Paris 1994. [Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Interpreting Charles Perrault's 'Le Petit Chaperon rouge' ('Little Red Riding Hood') within 17- and 18th Century French Jurisprudence: Tolerating Rape and the Troubling Language of Love.« Women and the Law: Legal Systems/Legal Fictions. Milwaukee 2001. [Info] McAlpin, Mary. »Reading Rape in Riccoboni.« 46th Meeting of the Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Macon 2020. [Info] Mogensen, N.W. »Crimes and Punishments in Eighteenth-Century France: The Example of the pays d'Auge.« Histoire sociale 10 (1977): 337-353. [Info] Robert, Jean-Christophe. »Le viol et sa répression par les juridictions intermédiaires du Roussillon au XVIIIe siècle.« Les justices royales secondaires en Languedoc et en Roussillon, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles: Troisièmes Journées d'histoire et histoire du droit et des institutions de l'Université de Perpignan Via Domitia. Edited by Gilbert Larguier. Perpignan 2018: 83-101. [Site] German History
[Info] Eder, Franz X. Kultur der Begierde: Eine Geschichte der Sexualität. Munich 2002. [Info] Eder, Franz X. Kultur der Begierde: Eine Geschichte der Sexualität. Munich 2009. [Info] Tomovic, Jelena. Sexualität in der Geschichte: Innige Praktiken sozialer Kommunikation 1700–1850: ein »Sexual Turn«. Göttingen 2024. [Info] Zander, Sylvina. Zwischen »ehrbar« und »liederlich«: Zur Geschichte der Frauen in Oldesloe vom 17. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Hamburg 2024. [Site] Italian History
[Info] McNamara, Celeste. »Illicit Sex in Early Modern Venice.« Annual Meeting of the Society for Italian Historical Studies. New York 2020. [Info] Novarese, Daniela. »«La giustizia era altrettanto violenta degli stupratori»: Donne e violenza sessuale in Italia, un lungo, tormentato percorso normativo.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 283-311. [Info] Rainone, Michele. »Su una querela per stupro del 1770: Norma grammaticale, lingua d'uso e condizionamenti testuali in alcuni documenti burocratici di area pugliese.« Italica Belgradensia No. 1 (2018): 7-26. [Info] Torremocha Hernández, Margarita. »Presentación.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 9- . [Site] Portuguese History [Info] Braga, Isabel D. »Punir a Violação, perdoar os Violadores: Entre a justiça e a clemência no Portugal Moderno.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 165-187. [Info] Torremocha Hernández, Margarita. »Presentación.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 9- . [Site] Scottish History
[Site] Spanish History [Info] Baldellou Monclús, Daniel, et al. »Culpable hasta que se demuestre lo contrario: El estupro ante los tribunales eclesiásticos de Aragón en el siglo XVIII.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 213-251. [Info] Blanco Carrasco, José P. »«¿Adónde irán los secretos?»: Reflexiones en torno al estupro y mercado matrimonial en la Edad Moderna.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 133-163. [Info] Corada Alonso, Alberto, et al. »El estupro en el Antiguo Régimen: Una visión cuantitativa desde el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 39-89. [Info] Mantécon Movellán, Tomás A. »Estupro, sexualidad e identidad en sociedades católicas del Mediterráneo durante el Antiguo Régimen.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 253-281. [Info] Martínez Llorente, Felix. »Una notación histórica sobre el delito de estupro hasta la codificación penal.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 17-37. [Info] Rodríguez Blanco, Cynthia. »Ser Madre en solitario: Un retrato de las familias incompletas en la Castilla Moderna.« Studia Historica: Historia Moderna 46 (2024): 61-85. [Info] Torremocha Hernández, Margarita, et al., eds. El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Valladolid 2018. [Info] Torremocha Hernández, Margarita. »El estupro en el Informe jurídico de Meléndez Valdés: Una visión ilustrada de un delito contra el honor familiar (1796).« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 91-131. [Info] Torremocha Hernández, Margarita. »Presentación.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 9- . [Site] Swiss History [Info] Loetz, Francisca. »Probleme mit der Sünde: Sexualdelikte im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit.« Gottlosigkeit und Eigensinn: Religiöse Devianz im konfessionellen Zeitalter. Edited by Eric Piltz et al. Berlin 2015: 207-236. [Site] Welsh History
[Info] Walker, Garthine. »Everyman or a Monster? The Rapist in Early Modern England, c.1600-1750.« History Workshop Journal (August 2, 2013). [Info] Walker, Garthine. Language, consent and culpability in rape and child sexual abuse in seventeenth and eighteenth-century Wales and England.« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017. [Info] Watson, Katherine D. »Women, violent crime and criminal justice in Georgian Wales.« Continuity and Change 28 (2013): 245-272. [Site] O c e a n i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Australian History
[Info] Anderson, Steven. A History of Capital Punishment in the Australian Colonies, 1788 to 1900. Cham 2020. [Site] Hawaiian History [Info] Nelligan, Peter J. Social Change and Rape Law in Hawaii. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1983. |